Pequonnock River Greenway

Bridgeport to Botsford - Planned

Within Monroe  - 4.5 miles - open - stone dust

Historic Railroad Mileage Chart


Station Name

0 Bridgeport
2 North Bridgeport
5 Trumbull
8 Long Hill
10 Stepney
12 Pepper
(Pepper Crossing)
15 Botsford

From mileage chart in article #3 of The Rail Lines of Southern New England by Ronald Dale Karr, published by Branch Line Press in 1995.

A 4.5 mile section of the trail is open with a stone dust surface between Purdy Hill Road and the Newtown Town Line within Monroe. 


A map of the currently open Monroe section of the Trail is available on page 5 of Appendix A of the Connecticut Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan posted on the Bike-ped Web Page of   CT-DOT.

Newspaper Articles

Railroad Abandonment Summary

Item From To Year RR Miles
128 Bridgeport Stepney 1940 NH 7.4
245 Stepney Botsford 1963 NH 4.7
281 at Bridgeport 1970 PC


NH = New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad
PC = PennCentral 

From the "Directory of Rail Abandonments 1848-1994" in the book Lost Railroads of New England, 2nd Ed. by Ronald Dale Karr, published by Branch Line Press in 1996.

Railroad History

A brief history of the Housatonic RR was published as article #3  in The Rail Lines of Southern New England by Ronald Dale Karr, published by Branch Line Press in 1995.