Peabody Bikeway

A proposed Rail-trail

The City of Peabody has created an Official Web Page for the proposed Peabody Bikeway. What follows is accordingly limited to supplementary information that has been gathered by the Webmaster of Note that the current proposal is to create two separate trails with a deliberate break at the I-95 embankment near West Peabody. 

Historic Railroad Mileage Chart

Salem Branch

Miles* Svcs Station Name


-FP South Middleton
12.61 --- Phelps Mills
13.33 TFP West Peabody
15.16 --- Proctor
16.88 TFP Peabody

* Railroad miles from Tewksbury Jct
Svc. (in 1923): T=Telegraph, F=Freight Accounts, P=Passenger tickets
Bold face suggests depot present in 1923.

Mileage and Station Names from Official List of Officers, Agents and Stations of the Boston & Maine Railroad, July 1,1923

Railroad Abandonment Summary

Item From To Year RR Miles
235A Peabody West Peabody 1962 B&M 3.0
374 West Peabody South Middleton 1987 B&M 3.6

Brief History of the Railroad

A brief history of the Salem & Lowell RR was published as Article #56 in The Rail Lines of Southern New England by Ronald Dale Karr, published by Branch Line Press in 1995.

Sign images are from the Manual of Traffic Signs by Richard C. Moeur.

Updated on May 21, 2001 by Kenyon F. Karl <[email protected]>.
  Unintentional errors are likely!

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