Mason-Greenville Railroad Trail


Liz Fletcher, Commissioner
Mason Conservation Commission
Mann House, Darling Hill Road
Mason, NH 03048

North of NH State Line Only: 

Hiking Trail Bicycle Trail Cross-Country Skiing Snowmobiling Horse Trail

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Microsoft TerraServer Home Page USGS Aerial photograph of Mason

The trail begins at the NH State Line, a short distance south of the Morse Road Crossing. Note that this steep gravel road is just barely wide enough for two way traffic, and thus it is not realistic for an automobile driver to wait for a trail user near the crossing. The intersection of Morse Road & Rte 123 (downhill to the west) is suggested as a more appropriate meeting place!

The trail crosses Jackson Road on a stone arch bridge, with high and narrow embankments on either side. Trail users are strongly discouraged from entering or leaving the trail near the Jackson Street overpass, to avoid damage to the ground cover that protects the steep slopes of the embankments. Once these important plants are destroyed, natural forces will quickly destroy the railroad embankment and thus sever the trail at this point!

Hiking Trail Bicycle Trail Horse Trail Simple public access is available for 'street legal' trail users at the following points:

Parking Parking is available on the site of Mason Depot at the Depot Road Crossing.

No other trail facilities were observed within a reasonable distance of the trail!

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Click on the Mapblast Map on this page to reach an entry point to a Business Directory of the surrounding area.

Sign images are from the Manual of Traffic Signs, by Richard C. Moeur.

Updated on February 22, 2001 by Kenyon F. Karl <[email protected]> based on hand-written information provided by the Mason Conservation Commission in August, 1997, supplemented with information collected during quick visits to the trail on July 15, 1998 and July 7, 2000. Unintentional errors are likely!

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