Summer 1998 - Volume 5 - Issue 3

President's Letter - July, 1998 - We're all about half way through "horse season". This certainly is the time of year when the days are longer, but somehow it seems that they're never long enough for all the things that can be fit into them. It would be nice if issues that affect the horse industry would take note that it's sununer and horse season and abate, even if only briefly. However, this is not what happens. The New Hampshire Horse Council, Inc. remains very active year-round.

HB 793 has now been signed by Gov. Shaheen and will take effect January i, 1999. We are working on language for a sign for horse activity sponsors to post on their property. This sign is not mandated by the legislation (like in Massachusetts for example), but is a good idea to notify horse activity participants of the new law. Again, this sign won't do you any good until the legislation takes affect. Watch your newsletter for more about this and how to get the sign.

Hoofin' It, the 1998 NH Equine Services Directory, has been quite well received. Many people have inquired how to get into the next one, and others are thrilled to have this handy reference. We have begun to consider the next issue, which would have a cover date of 2000 on it. We need a project manager for this, or one or two more people to help.

Trails and open space availability issues have moved center stage. The Horse Council has requestcd a meeting with the governor's office regarding the Keene by-pass/multi-use trail project. The DOT stated that what it decided there would set policy for the state. Horses have the legal right to the road and are transportation and recreation. This, of course, is only two of many uses horses have. This variety of uses can cause confusion to non-horse people, hence they make a determination of what horses are used for based on a narrow perception, and try to develop policy with that in mind. We want to be sure our full range of uses and rights are understood, and that we ale included in the policy-making processes that involve us.

We have also heard that the Audubon Society in Massachusetts is setting new policy to exclude horses and other use groups from a large percentage of their property. We are looking into what the New Hampshire policy is. Again, we want open communication channels and opportunity to dialogue. We all need to understand each other, and form policies that are will/win.

As further evidence of the constant change that moves us all forward, the NHHC, Inc., has regretfully accepted the resignation of Cynthia Brewster-Keating as Treasurer, and Kathy Hiney as Board Member. Cynthia has accepted a new career position with Cabletron. She has provided us with steady service and input, and has been a solid supporter during her tenure as Treasurer. Kathy Hiney has also contributed tremendous enelˇgy and time to safety and trails issues. Kathy has accepted a position with the American Warmblood registry and is moving to California. We'll miss both of these women and wish them great success in their new endeavors.

That means we're looking for new people to serve as Treasurer, and have a vacant spot on the Board... Interested? Call Karen Miller for more infoimntion at 603-878-1694. In the interim, thank you, thank you, thank you to Darlene Moore for stepping in to pick up the'Treasurer's role.

Fundraising efforts are well under way now, under the capable hands of Lisa Thibeault, Fundlaising Chair. Congratulations go to her and her husband on the birth of their first child as well. Lisa is researching ideas, and will be working with other members to implement plans. Most viable projects at this time look like a trail tide and stallion auction. You'll hear more about these as plans develop. The results of the most recent fund-raiser are found in this newsletter, Darlene Moore and Sally Conrad put together a most amazing raffle in what seemed to he no time at all. They were amazingly efficient with this project, and I know contributed many, many hours to see this through. Out hats are off to these two for this project!

We are growing in many directions. A special thank you goes to a member who wishes to remain anonymous for a donation of NHHC affiliation with the American Horse Council. This provides us with an important link to national issues and resources throughout the country. I will be attending the AHC Annual Meeting in Washington, DC in September as the New Hampshire representative. Along these lines, it's important that the horse community develop its own resources within the state as well. We've nominated Gayle Beaudoin to attend a Horse Trails and Fores Ecosystems Conference at Clemson University this fall. We are looking for additional funding for both of these trips. Contact me at 603-878-1694 if you would like to contribute.

In closing, please stop by the NH Farm Museum on August 22 for NHHC Day. Karen Miller has been setting up speakers and demonstrations that will run fiˇom 10-4. Thanks to: Nancy Niedcr of Twin Ridge Farm, Rhonda Watts, Upreach Therapculic Riding for providing presentations. Karen is still confirming others as well. Call her at 603-878-4879 if you would like to represent your breed/discipline or horse-related topic that day.

Until this fall, My best,
Lisa Derby Oden

New Hampshire Horse Council

273 Poor Farm Rd
New Ipswich, NH 03071

NHHC Officers.

Copied using OCR software from the printed newsletter by Kenyon F. Karl <[email protected]>. Unintentional errors are likely!

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