Upper Valley Trails Alliance 

The Upper Valley Trails Alliance is a new coalition of widely varied groups from the Upper Valley who use and care for the area's trails. The Alliance acts as a regional resource for trails: improving communications and coordination, supporting sustainable use of trails, increasing public awareness and building greater support for the trail networks.

The mission of the Upper Valley Trails Alliance is to convene Upper Valley groups related to trails and serve as a resource for those groups to: identify existing trails and potential links, determine trails appropriate for multi and limited uses, protect trails and the concerns of landowners, and promote stewardship and education about trails. The Alliance will bring people interested in trails together to explore developing new trails and linking existing ones, work on use issues, and form new bonds between conservationists, landowners, recreationalists and economic interests in the Upper Valley to promote our region as a place with a superb quality of life, open space and abundant opportunities to enjoy the environment.

The formation of an alliance will result in:

As the Alliance is in its formative stages, we welcome any trail group or individual who is interested in partnering with other trail groups on trail development or maintenance in the Upper Valley. We also welcome your input about the trails in your town and your ideas for this new Alliance. Please contact us at our host organization, 

Vital Communities of the Upper Valley
104 Railroad Row, 
White River Junction, VT 05001.
[email protected]

The Upper Valley Trails Alliance is building relationships with a wide array of interests, including the

This page was copied on December 25, 1999 by Kenyon F. Karl <[email protected]> from the printed fact sheet issued by UVTA. Unintentional errors are likely!