The mission of the Vermont Recreation Trails Program is to provide trail opportunities to all citizens of Vermont within 15 minutes of their home.
The program is administered by the Vermont Department
ofForests, Parks & Recreation (FP&R) with advice fiom the
Vermont Trails & Greenways Council and in cooperation with
the Vermont Agency of Transportation and the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA). Funding comes from the federal
Recreational Trails Program (RTP) and the Vermont Recreation
Trails Fund (VRTF) and is derived from a portion of Federal and
State gas taxes used in non-highway recreational vehicles.
Funds are available to municipalities, schools, incorporated trail organizations, inter-municipal districts, or entities otherwise established under Vermont law and authorized to do business in Vermont.
Approximately $550, 000 is expected to be availablefor grants in fiscal year 1999-2000.
Grant fUnds may pay for up to 80 percent of the total project cost with a minimum sponsor match of 20 percent. In-kind services and donated labor or materials may be used as a portion of the sponsor's match.
This grant provides matching funds for
Grant Application Packets and Administration Guides are available from the FP&R in October. Applications are due to the FP&R by 4:30 PM on the first Friday in February each year.
A review committee scores and ranks projects in March and makes fUnding recommendations through the Vt. Trails & Greenways Council to the Commissioner of the FP&R for approval. Funding announcements are made in March for projects to be started in the spring of that year. Federally-fUnded applications will be forwarded by the FP&R to the Vermont Division of the FHWA for authorization.
When outstanding issues such as landowner permission or permitting have been resolved, the project sponsor and the FP&R will enter into a formal Project Agreement. At this time, work may begin.
This is a reimbursing grant program, so the project sponsor pays the expenses up front and then requests reimbursement from the FP&R.
Cash advances may be considered for approved elements of the project scope and where the applicant can demonstrate that there will otherwise be a financial hardship. In no case will the cash advance be equal to more than 50% of the total grant amount.
The Mini Grant option is a new two-year pilot project under the Vermont Recreation Trails Grant Program. Up to $3, 000 of grant funds may be set asidefor Mini Grants of up to $500 each to be available to local governments, community volunteer groups, educational institutions, civic groups, or approved non-profit organizations with recreation trails in their goals. Projects may provide "seed" money to perform certain recreation trail activities or to provide training, to develop a trail, or to purchase educational tools or materials. Mini Grants are payable up-front at 100% of the cost; no sponsor match is required.
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