Vermont Recreation Trails Program

Grant Application for 1999

Due Date: February 5, 1999

Table of Contents

Application General Instructions

In General.

Helpful Tips.

Program Contact People.

Laurie Adams, Rec. & Trails Admin. Asst.
E-mail [email protected].
Peter Strobridge, FP&R Business Mgr.
E-mail pstrobridge@fpr. anr. state.vt. us
Vt. Dept. Forests, Parks & Recreation
103 S. Main St., Bldg. 10 S.
Waterbury, VT 05671-0604
Fax: 802/244-1481

Application Table of Contents

Project/Trail Title:

Project sponsor:


1. Project summary

2. Cost Estimate and Sponsor's Match Summary

3. Request for Cash Advance to Grant

4. Environmental & Historic Preservation Survey

5. Permits & Clearances Checklist

6. Application Review Criteria

7. General Location Map

8. Topographical or Speciftc Location Map

9. Landowner agreement letters, if available, or explanation of status

10. Signature Page

11. Other supporting materials

Project Summary

Project/ Trail Name:

Applicant type (check one): ___ Municipal ___ Not-for-profit

Contact Person, Title Telephone #

Applicant/ Project Sponsor

Mailing address Town/City Zip+4

Summary description of project. (Attach separate sheets only as necessary.)






Location of trail(s) or project area. List all land.parcels, towns, counties, etc.:





Lands ownership: Proposed trail will cross ____ private land ____ public land.

Linkages this trail now provides or will provide when completed.




O A youth service organization has been or will be contacted about performing work this project.
O This project is not appropriate for a youth service crew.

Est. start date:______________________ Est. completion date:______________________

Application Review Criteria: Construction Projects

On separate pages, please provide a one or two paragraph answer to each question below. The responses should follow the given sequence and it is helpful to re-state the question.

A. Recreation Benefits (35 possible points)

1. 0-20 points. Describe the quality of experiences the project will provide or enhance. To what extent does the project add to or enhance trail recreation opportunities? Describe how many people are expected to benefit from the project each year in user days. Please document how you arrived at these figures.

2. 0-10 points. To what extent does the project provide linkage (or lead to future linkage) to other trails, bicycle-pedestrian paths, scenic corridors, natural, cultural, historical and recreational areas, or to areas of population concentration.

3. 0-5 points. How is the project of regional or statewide significance?

B. Management Considerations (30 possible points)

1. 0-10 points. To what extent is there consideration of alleviating safety hazards, reducing adverse environmental impacts, and reducing user conflicts?

2. 0-10 points. To what extent is there a plan and/or resources to ensure the long-term maintenance ofthe proposed project?

3. 0-10 points. To what extent does the project include an educational component to inform people about how to use the trail, including protecting the resource and developing good relations with other trail users?

C. Support and Involvement (20 possible points)

1. 0-10 points. What degree of support and involvement is evident for this project? For example, public meetings, special committees formed, fUnds committed, petitions, newspaper articles, and so on.

2. 0-10 points. To what extent has the project been documented, or meet the goals in, the Vermont Trails & Greenways Plan or other plans?

D. Cost Effectiveness (10 possible points)

To what extent does the project seek to minimize costs and/or leverage other fUnds or donated services as appropriate? To what extent are these costs well documented?

E. Special Considerations (+/- 5 possible points)

To what extent are there positive or negative aspects about this project that are not addressed in the criteria above, such as quality of the application, a crisis or emergency situation, etc. If practical for this project, will youth service crews be utilized to perform the construction work?

Application Review Criteria: Trails Planning Projects

On separate pages, please provide a one or two paragraph answer to each question below. The responses should follow the given sequence and it is helpful to re-state the question.

A. Recreation Benefits (35 possible points)

1. 0-20 points. Describe the potential for trails in the area to be studied. Is the proposal to plan extensions or expansions of existing trails? If so, briefly describe the trails.

2. 0-10 points. To what extent does the project provide linkage (or lead to future linkage) to other trails, bicycle-pedestrian paths, scenic corridors, natural, cultural, historical and recreational areas, or to areas of population concentration

3. 0-5 points. How is the project of regional or statewide significance?

B. Management Considerations (30 possible points)

1. 0-30 points. What is the potential for implementation of this plan? Describe a proposed timeline.

C. Support and Involvement (20 possible points)

1. 0-20 points. What degree of support and introlvement is evident for this project? For example, public meetings, special committees formed, fUnds committed, petitions, newspaper articles, and so on.

D. Cost Effectiveness (10 possible points)

To what extent does the project seek to minimize costs and/or leverage other funds or donated services as appropriate? To what extent are these costs well documented?

E. Special Considerations (+/- 5 possible points)

To what extent are there positive or negative aspects about this project that are not addressed in the criteria above, such as a crisis or emergency situation, quality of the application, etc.

Application Review Criteria: Trails Publications Projects

On separate pages, please provide a one or two paragraph answer to each question below. The responses should follow the given sequence and it is helpful to re-state the question.

A. Recreation Benefits (35 possible points)

1. 0-20 points. To what extent will the project contribute to the meaningfulness of the trail experience?

2. 0-10 points. Does the publication indicate connections to other trails (branches, feeders, etc.) if appropriate? Is the publication of such nature that it would be saved and re-used or is it intended for single-use?

3. 0-5 points. To what extent does the project provide linkage (or lead to future linkage) to other trails, bicycle-pedestrian paths, scenic corridors, natural, cultural, historical and recreational areas, or to areas of population concentration.

B. Management Considerations (30 possible points)

1. 0-10 points. To what extent is there consideration of alleviating safety hazards, reducing adverse environmental impacts, and reducing user conflicts?

2. 0-10 points. What are the resources to continue the usefulness of the publication such as re-printing and updates?

3. 0-10 points. To what extent does the project include an educational component to inform people about how to use the trail, including protecting the resource and developing good relations with other trail users?

C. Support and Involvement (20 possible points)

1. 0-10 points. What degree of support and involvement is evident for this project? For example, public meetings, special committees formed, fUnds committed, petitions, newspaper articles, and so on.

2. 0-10 points. To what extent has the project been documented, or meet the goals in, the Vermont Trails & Greenways Plan or other plans?

D. Cost Effectiveness (10 possible points)

To what extent does the project seek to minimize costs and/or leverage other funds or donated services as appropriate? To what extent are these costs well documented?

E. Special Considerations (+/- 5 possible points)

To what extent are there positive or negative aspects about this project that are not addressed in the criteria above, such as quality of the application, a crisis or emergency situation, etc.

Cost Estimate & Sponsor's Match Summary: Instructions

In General.

Please Note.

Cost Estimate & Sponsor's Match: Construction Projects

Project/ Trail Name: ________________________________________________

  To be donated
to Sponsor
  To be paid for
by Sponsor
  Total Cost
A. Grant Administration          
1. Time $ + $ = $
2. Expenses $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
B. Project Design & engineering          
1. $ + $ = $
2. $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
C. On-site Labor          
1. Supervisor $ + $ = $
2. Skilled $ + $ = $
3. Semi-skilled $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
D. Equipment Purchase          
1. $ + $ = $
2. $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
E. Equipment Rental          
1. $ + $ = $
2. $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
F. Materials Purchase          
1. $ + $ = $
2. $ + $ = $
3. $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
Other costs not included above          
1. $ + $ = $
2. $ + $ = $
3. $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $

Total Grant request: $________________________

Sponsor's total match is equal to ______ % of estimated total project costs.

Cost Estimate & Sponsor's Match: Trails Publications Projects

Project/ Trail Name: ________________________________________________

  To be donated
to Sponsor
  To be paid for
by Sponsor
  Total Cost
A. Grant Administration          
1. Time $ + $ = $
2. Expenses $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
B. Project Design          
1. $ + $ = $
2. $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
C. Labor          
1. Supervisor $ + $ = $
2. Skilled $ + $ = $
3. Semi-skilled $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
D. Purchases          
1. $ + $ = $
2. $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
E. Printing          
1. $ + $ = $
2. $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
F. Distribution          
2. $ + $ = $
3. $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
Other costs not included above          
1. $ + $ = $
2. $ + $ = $
3. $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $

Total Grant request: $________________________

Sponsor's total match is equal to ______ % of estimated total project costs.

Cost Estimate & Sponsor's Match: Trails Planning Projects

Project/ Trail Name: ________________________________________________

  To be donated
to Sponsor
  To be paid for
by Sponsor
  Total Cost
A. Grant Administration          
1. Time $ + $ = $
2. Expenses $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
B. Research & Writing          
1. $ + $ = $
2. $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
E. Printing & Distribution          
1. $ + $ = $
2. $ + $ = $
3. $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $
Other costs not included above          
1. $ + $ = $
2. $ + $ = $
3. $ + $ = $
Total $ + $ = $

Total Grant request: $________________________

Sponsor's total match is equal to ______ % of estimated total project costs.

Environmental & Historic Preservation Survey

Project! Trail Name: __________________________________________________
Contact people for environmental and historic resources are listed in the Appendices section of the separate Administrative Guide. Indicate whether the proposed project will positively or negatively impact each of the following.


  Positive Negative None
Health / education facilities      
Emergency service providers      
Public utilities      
Residential areas      
Disabled, minorities, or elderly      
Local tax base      
Economic activity      

Natural resources.

  Positive Negative None
Soil stability or sedimentation      
Streams, rivers, or lakes      
Flood plains      
Wildlife / wildlife habitat      
Endangered plants or animals      
Agricultural lands      
National natural landmarks      
Noise levels on surrounding areas      
Air quality      
Hazardous waste involvement      

For any "negative" response above, please provide as much information as possible on separate pages.

Historic Preservation.

Does the project involve any rehabilitation, demolition, removal, or use of a building which is more than 50 years old?
___Yes ______No

Does the project include excavation (to any depth) within a floodplain or within 200 feet or a river or stream?
_____Yes ______No

Does the project include a stream crossing? If yes, describe on separate page, including width, length, ground disturbance, and depth of excavation.
______ Yes ______No

Are there any foundations, mill ruins, historic roads, or other historic features or sites within the project area? If yes, please describe on a separate page.
_____ Yes ______ No

Permits & Environmental Clearances

Project! Trail Name: __________________________________________________

Status of Permits. Obtained Pending Not Applic.
Corps of Engineers      
State Wetlands Permit      
Act 250      
Stormwater discharge      
Stream Alteration      
Other state or federal permits
or clearances (specify)
Local permits
or clearances (specify)
Landowner permission
(specify by parcel or owner)
The following will be coordinated by the FPR
if the project is recommended for funding:
NEPA compliance.      
Categorical exclusion      
Environmental Assessment      
Environmental Impact Statement      

I have reviewed this recreation trail grant application and concur with the information as provided by the applicant. It is the FP&R' s opinion that the trail project as proposed will have no significant impacts on the environment

Peter Strobridge, Business Manager Date
Vt. Department Forests, Parks & Recreation

Location Maps

In General.

Construction Projects.

1. General location map(s) or drawing(s) which show at least the surrounding county or region, major roads, significant natural features, and all waterways. This map should be sufficient for a person to locate the trail or trailhead by car. The map should also clearly illustrate the proposed or existing trail, other trails in the area.

2. Specific location map which shows finer detail of the proposed project including (at least) any private land for which permission to access may be required, trailhead or parking area, potential bridge crossings, boardwalks or culverts, wetlands or other natural features, etc. This map should be sufficient for someone to generally walk the proposed trail route.

Trails Planning Projects.

Map(s) or drawing(s) that show generally where existing trails are located and the area being considered for possible trails development with as much detail as is practical and available at this stage including the surrounding county or region, major roads, significant natural features, and all waterways.

Trails Publications Projects.

1. Map(s) or drawing(s) that will be illustrated by the publication, including the surrounding county or region, major roads, significant natural features, and all waterways.

2. A rough mock-up ofa new publication, a sample ofa similar publication which is being considered as a guide for a new publication, or a copy of the previous edition of the same publication.

Project! Trail Name: _________________________________________________________

The signatures below attest that the information contained in the attached trail grant application is accurate and complete and that if funding received, the project sponsor will carry out the work in a timely, cost effective manner and in conformance with the guidelines of the Vermont Recreation Trails Grant Program.


Name & Title of Authorized Official

Signature of Authorized Official & Date


Name & Title of Application Preparer

Signature of Application Preparer & Date

Copied from the printed publication using a scanner & OCR software on November 15, 1998 by Kenyon F. Karl <[email protected]>. Since unintentional errors are likely, this copy is intended for organizational planning and public informational purposes only. It must not be used for grant application or grant compliance purposes!

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