Miles* |
Station Name |
0 |
Kingston (West Kingston) |
3 | Goulds |
4 |
Peace Dale (Peacedale) |
5 |
Rodman Crossing- Wakefield |
6 | Sprague Park |
8 | Narragansett Pier |
From mileage chart in article #21 of The Rail Lines of Southern New England by Ronald Dale Karr, published by Branch Line Press in 1995.
Sections of this Trail are still in the planning or construction stages. Potential users are accordingly urged to check the South County Bicycle Path section of the Bike RI Construction Update page on the RI-DOT Web Site before making travel plans for the RI sections of the Trail.
Franklin Bloomer of Greenwich, CT and Bill O'Neill of
Manchester, CT riding a tandem
on the South County Bikepath near Kingston Station.
Photograph by Karen Votava in summer 2001.
A milepost on the South County Bikepath.
Photograph by Karen Votava in summer 2001.
A 4.3 mile section of the Trail from Kingston Station to Peace Dale is described in section 24 of the Official Rails-to-Trails Conservancy New England Guidebook by Cynthia Mascott published in 2000 by Globe Pequot Press. This trail listing contains a photograph, historical description, trail head directions and parking, a trail map, trail details, a local trail manager contact, and much more.
Amtrak Twilight Shoreliner (New York City, Washington DC & Newport News VA) stops at Kingston on a daily basis. This train has bike racks and also handles bikes in boxes from other Amtrak trains that offer baggage service! The many other Amtrak Trains that also stop at Kingston accept folding bikes only!
Route 64 offers city bus service from Kingston Station & URI to Newport on a daily basis using roads that roughly parallel the trail.
Route 14 offers city bus service between Wakefield & Narragansett Pier to Kennedy Plaza (Providence City Bus Terminal) on Weekdays and Saturdays.
Bonanza Bus - New Service Effective 9/16/01 - Newport, RI - URI & Richmond, RI to New York City
Information about Kingston Station and the South Kingston Area is available
at the Friends of Kingston Station
Web Site.
Item | From | To | Year | RR | Miles |
202 | Wakefield | Narragansett Pier | 1953 | NP | 2.3 |
339 | West Kingston | Wakefield | 1981 | NP | 5.8 |
From the "Directory of Rail Abandonments 1848-1994" in the book Lost Railroads of New England, 2nd Ed. by Ronald Dale Karr, published by Branch Line Press in 1996.
A brief history of the Narragansett Pier RR was published as article #21 in The Rail Lines of Southern New England by Ronald Dale Karr, published by Branch Line Press in 1995.
Brief facts on the Narragansett Pier RR are available at the Friends of Kingston Station Web Site.
Sign images are from the Manual of Traffic Signs by Richard C. Moeur.
Updated on January 04, 2002 by Kenyon F.
Karl <[email protected]>.
Unintentional errors are likely!
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