Toonerville Trail


Springfield Trails & Greenways
Springfield Parks & Recreation
96 Main St., Springfield, VT 05156
Phone 802-885-2727

Hiking TrailBicycle TrailSnowshoeingCross Country SkiingHandicapped Access

The Official Trail Brochure is available at the Springfield Chamber of Commerce Web Site

Mileage Chart and index to Detailed Trail Information

The following trail mileage chart also serves as a table of links to pages containing detailed rail-trail information and associated pictures. Each page contains information about the trail from the indicated location in both directions to a point roughly half-way to the next location.

Miles* Location
1.2 Jones Industrial Ctr
2.6 Paddock Bridge
2.7 Rte 11 Underpass
3.9 Cheshire Bridge

* miles from downtown Springfield according to signs along the trail

Newspaper Articles:

Vermont Transit Lines (#65) [Greyhound] provides intercity bus service to Springfield on its Rutland-Keene-Boston service. Connections are available at Brattleboro for service (#67) to/from Springfield MA, Hartford CT, and New York NY. Vermont Transit will accept a bike or skis in a box as part of the passenger baggage allowance!

 Bus Stop Town & Village Bus provides local transportation within Springfield as well as rural transportation to Bellows Falls via Chester. Commuter bus transportation is also available between Bellows Falls and Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon NH, where connections are available to the Advance Transit Bus System to Hanover, Lebanon, Canaan, Norwich, Wilder, Hartford, & White River Junction. Previous communications suggest that the Town & Village Bus does not accommodate bicycles & skis!  

Point of Interest Listed on the National Register of Historic Places:

Springfield Chamber of Commerce Web Page offers information on a variety of tourism topics for Springfield and the surrounding towns.

Federal ISTEA Funding Summary

Cycle Project Name City Activity Federal $ Match $ Total $
1993 Springfield Rail Trail Springfield Construction $460,680 $115,170 $575,850
From a table of ISTEA Enhancement Funded Projects in Vermont prepared by the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy in July 1998

Railroad Abandonment Summary

Item From To Year RR Miles


Charlestown Springfield 1991 ST


ST - Springfield Terminal Railway

From the Directory of Rail Abandonments 1848-1994 in the book Lost Railroads of New England, 2nd Ed. by Ronald Dale Karr, published by Branch Line Press in 1996

Historic Photographs & preserved railroad equipment

Two pages containing historic photographs of the Springfield Terminal Railway Company and its predecessor Springfield Electric Railway is part of a small Web Site for the Electric Railroads of Vermont, maintained at the Vergennes Union High School Web Site. 

Scott Whitney has posted some historic photographs of the Springfield Terminal Railway to his NMRO Web Site.

Two historic photographs have been reproduced in the Official Trail Brochure that has been posted to the Springfield Chamber of Commerce Web Site

A notebook of pictures of the Springfield Terminal Railway can be examined at the Springfield Art & Historical Society, 9 Elm Hill, PO Box 313, Springfield, VT 05156 (phone 802-885-2415). 

The  Springfield Terminal Railway Company page also notes the current locations of the still existing trolley car and locomotives once used on this line. Note also that the Connecticut Trolley Museum also owns both an electric and a diesel locomotive that is similar to those used on this line.

Sign images are from the Manual of Traffic Signs by Richard C. Moeur.

Updated on August 29, 2001 by Kenyon F. Karl <>.
  Unintentional errors are likely!

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