Cheshire Branch Rail-Trail

State Line

Northwest of NH-MA State Line:

Bureau of Trails
Division of Parks & Recreation

NH Dept. of Resources & Econ. Dev.
PO Box 1856, Concord, NH 03302-1856
Phone 603-271-3254 - FAX 603-271-2629

Local coordination is provided by:

Friends of Pisgah
John Summers, Chair of Trail committee
Summers Backcountry Sports
16 Ashuelot St, Keene NH 03431

Hiking Trail Bicycle Trail Horse Trail Cross-Country Skiing Snowmobiling

Open Southeast of NH-MA State Line on an informal basis

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Topo map from TopoZone Web Site USGS Topo map of State Line

Site of State Line Station. Digital picture by Kenyon F. Karl on July 15, 1998.

The historic name of this railroad station was State Line. The width of the railroad bed suggests that sheer operational considerations dictated a siding at this point so that trains could pass each other on the single-track railroad. Accordingly a telegrapher was required at this remote location to pass train orders from the dispatcher to the train crews. This telegrapher in turn would also handle whatever passenger train tickets and freight shipments might be required from the rural residents of the area.

A spot check made on May 19, 1998 suggests that the trail is open and usable northwest of this point. A quick trail check on July 24, 2000 suggest that this rail-trail is open southeast of State Line Station and is used with some frequency.

Parking Several cars can be parked on the paved access roads adjacent to the site of the station without interfering with other users of these roads. Several additional cars can be parked on the wide railroad bed if necessary.

Yellow PagesMapblast! Local Services Directory and Maps

Any Mapblast Map on this Web Site is a link to the Mapblast Web Site which in turn leads to a Business Directory of the surrounding area.

Sign images are from the Manual of Traffic Signs by Richard C. Moeur.

Updated on February 23, 2001 by Kenyon F. Karl <>.
  Unintentional errors are likely!

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