Miles | Station Name |
10.31 | East Alburgh |
13.87 | Alburgh |
16.11 | West Alburgh |
17.46 | Rouses Point |
Railroad Mileage from Fonda
Dark Face indicates Train Order & Telephone Office
italics indicate points beyond current proposal
From Central Vermont Railway Employee Timetable 13, effective September 24, 1939.
Miles | Station Name |
0.0 | Alburgh |
5.8 | Noyan |
From Rutland Railroad Employee TimeTable No. 97 effective September 26, 1937
Miles** | Station Name | Siding capacity |
0.0 | Alburgh | |
6.4 | Isle La Motte | 58 |
-?- | [Pelot's Point Drawbridge] | |
12.3 | North Hero | 46 |
15.1 | [Abnaki] | |
--?- | [Bow Arrow Drawbridge] | |
19.7 | Grand Isle | 70 |
23.8 | South Hero | 56 |
--?- | [Allen's Point Drawbridge] | |
30.4 | Colchester | 70 |
~32.3 | [Winooski River Bridge] | |
34.7 | [Rendering Plant Switch] | |
37.1 | Burlington | |
37.5 | Burlington Yd | 110 |
* Railroad miles from Alburgh
~ estimated from topographic map
Dark face indicates telegraph station in 1937
[Brackets indicate other points]
From Rutland Railroad Employee TimeTable No. 97 effective September 26, 1937
Public Hearing January 2, 2001 at 7:30 in South Hero - The South Hero Recreation Path Committee is holding the 1st in a series of public meetings Tuesday, at the Folsom School on South Street. The committee is seeking input for the design and use of the railbed from Martin Road to "the cut", and to points north and south. A second ferry connecting South Hero and Colchester is among the possibilities to be discussed Tuesday.
Vermont's Holy Grail of Rail Trails [Wed 10/4/00 5:18 PM]
Hero Bike Ferry
Grant Application
grant application dated January 6, 2000 will study the feasibility and plan the implementation of a
bicycle and pedestrian ferry across “the cut” in the historic marble
railroad causeway between Colchester and South Hero.
Champlain International Bike Route
The vision statement attached to the preceding grant application briefly
outlines the vision of a bike route across the Lake Champlain islands to the
Canadian Border where it will connect with a Canadian bikeway system.
Help Design our Future Trail (Winter 2000-2001)
A Champlain Pathway
A special report to Governor Philip H. Hoff on the recreation
development potential of the former Rutland Railroad right of way in Grand Isle
County, published in 1965!
The String of Pearls Controversy
A paper written by Professor F. O. Sargent of UVM sometime after 1980
that describes the public controversy and the subsequent disposition of the
Rutland Railroad Right-of-way.
The Champlain
Islands Chamber of Commerce Web Site offers visitor information for the
Island Communities.
Item | From | To | Year | RR | Miles |
249 | East Alburgh | Rouses Point, NY | 1962 | CV | 7.3 |
251 | Burlington | Rouses Point, NY | 1963 | RUT | 40 |
88A | Alburgh | Canadian Border | 1934 | RUT | 2.4 |
Sign images are from the Manual of Traffic Signs by Richard C. Moeur.
Updated on May 27, 2001 by Kenyon F.
Karl <[email protected]>.
Unintentional errors are likely!
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